News 2024
Plant Biotech Journal paper online
Our collaborative study on FNRL and its role in isoxaben tolerance together with Ghaz Khan's group in Melbourne was recently accepted and is now online. You can find the article here:
Beyza and Anil awarded poster prizes
Beyza and Anil got second and first poster prizes at the EPCC and YRSPP conferences, respectively. Congratulations!
Several PhD defenses!
Gustav Pedersen, Isabella Østerlund, Alessandro Giannetti, Li Ding and Orianne Montulet successfully defended their PhD works during the months of May and June. Congratulations!!
New PhD student, Tianyi Zhao
Tianyi will build new types of scattering-based microscopes together with the NBI. Welcome Tianyi!!
Developmental Cell paper online!
The paper, led by Zheng Yuan, on MADS transcription factors and how they regulate palea development in rice is now online here:
New postdoc, Marcos San Segundo, join the group
Welcome Marcos!!
PNAS paper online
Our paper in PNAS on the NKS1/ELMO1 protein family is now available here:
Paper accepted in PNAS
Our work on NKS1/ELMO4 was just accepted in PNAS!
Cell Surface article on five important plant cell wall questions
Together with several other cell wall labs, we outline five pressing questions in plant cell wall biology. You can find the article online here:
PLoS ONE paper online
You can find our paper on TIP1 as interactor of the CESA complex here:
Paper accepted in Developmental Cell
A collaborative paper with the group of Zheng Yuan at SJTU was just accepted in Dev cell.
New PhD students in the lab
We welcome Ilaria Porcelli and Raegan Larson as new PhD students in the lab
Another successful NNF grant
We were successful in obtaining funding from NNF for a super-resolution project on secondary wall synthesis with Poul-Martin Bendix, Liselotte Jauffred and Kalina Haas.
Staffan to give keynote lectures at conferences in Singapore and Halle
Staffan is invited to give two keynote lectures at NTU Singapore (mechanobiology conference) and at the German Plant Science Society, DBG.
News 2023
Paper out in PLoS ONE
A paper outlining the interaction between the CESAs and TIP1 is now online in PLoS ONE.
Two NNF grants awarded
We received two NNF grants at the end of 2023; one with Hans Thordal-Christensen to investigate cell walls in context of pathogen attacks, and another for a large CPSC conference that will be held in August 2024.
Successful NNF project grant
We were just granted a new NNF Project together with Hans Thordal-Christensen. Congrats to co-applicant Shuai Zheng who gets two year position from this grant.
Hsiang-Wen Chen receives her PhD
Wen just got her PhD thesis accepted and therefore also her PhD at UoM. Congrats to Wen!!
The Nature Comm paper is online!
The STELLO-related paper is now online. You can find it here:
Leonard is selected Assistant Features Editor for The Plant Cell for 2024
Congrats to Leonard!!
Paper accepted in Nature Communications
A paper on how STELLO impact the formation of smaCCs and CESA trafficking was just accepted in Nature Communications. This work was led by the Yi Zhang's lab in Beijing.
Plant Biotech Journal publication online
The Plant Biotech Journal with the Xu lab is now online. You can find it here:
Plant Physiology papers online
The two Plant Physiology papers are now online. You can find them here:
New PhD student in the group
We welcome Anil Can Onder to the group as a new PhD student. Anil will work with Johanna on projects related to light responses in plants.
VILLUM Experiment grant to Mike Ogden
Mike was just awarded a Villum Experiment grant on herbicide targets in plants. Congrats :)!
Collaborative paper accepted in Plant Biotechnology Journal
In a nice collaboration with the Wenliang Xu group, we show the importance of xylan synthesis for cotton fiber development and characteristics.
Two Plant Physiology papers accepted
Two papers from the group was just accepted in Plant Physiology. In one of them, we caution the use of certain inhibitors for cell wall perturbations, and in the other, we connect phosphate limitations and cellulose synthesis.
Plant Physiology paper is now online
You can find it here:
Johanna Krahmer starts as a new tenure track Assistant Professor
Johanna is a new tenure track Assistant Professor associated with the Persson lab. Her background is in shade avoidance and plant physiology, and she did her postdoc at Lausanne University. Johanna will focus on environment and carbon allocation when she is setting up her new lab at PLEN.
Paper accepted in Plant Physiology
A study in collaboration with the Miao lab on coordination between cellulose and cellulose synthesis was just accepted in Plant Physiology.
Review paper on label-free imaging online
Our review with the Bendix and Jauffred groups on label-free imaging in plants is now online:
New Postdoc to the lab
We welcome a new postdoc, Peter Bjørk, to the lab. He will work closely with Kristian Frandsen in structural biology.
Two new PhD students to the lab
We welcome two new PhD students to the Persson lab: Beyza Ozmen and Paul Vogel!!
Our protocol for long-term imaging of the cytoskeleton is available online in Methods in Molecular Biology
You can find the paper here:
Protocol for Developmental Cell paper online in STAR protocol
Paper is available under this link:
Paper in Carbohydrate Polymer online
Paper on characteristics on starch in potato is now online here:
Current Biology short review is now online
Our short review on cellulose synthesis is now online in Current Biology. You can find it here:
Cell Surface feature is now online
You can find it here:
Current Biology paper on WAK and secondary wall synthesis online
Paper is available here: A receptor-like kinase controls the amplitude of secondary cell wall synthesis in rice: Current Biology
Cell Surface feature accepted
Our Surface feature on carbon allocation and cell walls was just accepted in The Cell Surface. The piece was spearheaded by Delphine Pottier.
News 2022
Faculty 1000 evaluation of secondary wall review
Our review on secondary walls in Open biology was evaluated and recommended by Faculty of 1000. Read about it here: Faculty Opinions: Secondary cell wall patterning-connecting the dots, pits and helices.
Guillermo receives NNF postdoc fellowship
Guillermo receives funding for two years from NNF on a project to visualize cellulose synthase complexes via cryo-TE.
Staffan on funded Carlsberg grant
A Carlsberg grant on ants and plants, on which Staffan is a co-PI, led by Jonathan Shik, was just awarded.
Review on Cellulose synthesis in land plants out in Molecular Plant
This review, spearheaded by Gustav and Leonard, gives a substantial overview of the field of cellulose synthesis in land plants. Read it here:
Paper on RLK and secondary wall sensing accepted in Current Biology
In a great collaboration with Dabing Zhang and Wenguo Cai, we reveal how a certain RLK monitor pectin content during the transition between primary and secondary cell wall production.
Review on filament segmentation and quantification out in Comp. Struct. Biotech. J.
In this review, we give an overview on filament tracing and quantification. A nice piece of work by Isabella. Read it here:
Developmental Cell story highlighted in media
The halotropic root twisting story was highlighted in a press release from KU and picked up by several media outlets. Read the press release here:
Paper out in Developmental Cell
Our collaborative paper on root halotropism is now out in Dev Cell. Check it out here:
Paper accepted in Food Chemistry
Our collaborative paper with the Blennow group on yogurt and starch was just accepted in Food Chemistry. It can be found here:
Paper out in Plant Cell
Our review on primary plant cell walls and salt stress is now out in Plant Cell. Check it out here:
Paper accepted in Developmental Cell
In a nice collaboration with the Yang Zhao lab at the Stress Center in Shanghai, we show the mechanism behind halotropism of plant roots.
Kristian Frandsen receives a Villum Experiment grant
Kristian Frandsen, a postdoc in the group, just received a Villum Experiment grant on visualization of the CESA complex using electron microscopy related tools. Congratulations!
PNAS paper online
Our collaborative paper on TOR signalling and the actin cytoskeleton is now out in PNAS. Check it out here:
NNF Infrastructure success
A consortium led by Nikos Hatzakis, and where Staffan is Co-PI, recently successfully secured funding for a lattice light sheet microscope.
Delphine Pottier new PhD student
Delphine will join the lab as a PhD student Nov 1st. She will work on sugar signalling and carbon allocation.
Plant Physiology paper out
Check it out here:
Review on cellulose and salt stress accepted in Plant Cell
Our review on cellulose synthesis and salt stress was just accepted in the Plant Cell.
Staffan is elected into the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences
Paper accepted in PNAS
In a collaboration with the Yi Zhang lab at Beijing normal University we show how the TOR kinase impacts tha actin cytoskeleton in plant cell.
Leonard Blaschek receives an EMBO fellowship
Leonard Blaschek, who will join the Persson lab in August as a postdoc, received an EMBO fellowship for a joint project with the Kleine-Venn lab at BOKU. Congrats!
Two new postdocs to join the Persson lab in August 2022
Leonard Blaschek (from the Pesquet lab at KTH/SU) and Yang Wang (from the Sampathkumar lab at MPI) will join the lab in mid August.
Paper accepted in Plant Physiology
A nice joint effort with the lab of Dabing Zhang to understand how an ERF transcription factor functions in secondary wall synthesis and penduncle strength in rice
Paper accepted and out in Molecular Plant
This paper undertook an extensive GWAS and mGWAS in foxtail millet and outlines how certain health benefitting compounds have changed during domestication. Check it out here:
Paper accepted and out in Development
This paper contributes cytoskeletal markers for rice and outlines new interactions between the microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton. Check it out here:
Review paper out in Open Biology
Our review on secondary wall synthesis, focusing on the different inducible systems that have been used, is now out in Royal Societies Open Biology. Check it out here:
Paper out in Nature Plants
This paper shows that small xylan containing nano-domains drive metaxylem pit shape. The study was driven by Yihua Zhou and colleagues. Check it out here: